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Kiss, Kiss

Manila Cathedral

The Church
   We got married last May 11, 2003! We were united in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony at The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (The Manila Metropolitan Cathedral) at half after one o'clock. The wedding theme was "Under the Sea" and the predominant colors were blue and silver. I wore a Swarovski-studded, silvery-white Sonata bustier wedding gown with a three meter detachable train and Wilson was dressed in a navy blue coat and silver tie. The whole entourage wore, in different styles and cut, gowns  in the shades of monochromatic blue. Although I don't want to be so dramatic, I cried a little as I walked down the aisle towards Wilson. It was a different feeling.... mixed emotion- happiness and excitement. Looking back, I never regretted when I cried. Even Wilson and some of our guests shared my emotion that day. It is such a wonderful day!

bridal walk

profession of our love

Rev. Fr. Ed Alaurin, O.P.- officiating priest

the entourage

The Reception
   The venue was at the grand ballroom of Century Park Hotel in Manila. The menu was chinese lauriat catered by Century Seafood Restaurant. The 7-tiered wedding cake was "under-the-sea" inspired. The ceremony started with an opening prayer by none other than my good friend, Mrs. Leony Chan- Ang. We opened the stage with "scent-of-a-woman" inspired tango dance number. Guests were singing soon after. During dinner, A toast was offered by one of our godfather and my gimik friend Jenifer Uy. My husband gave an impromptu speech and after that, we made rounds for the traditional picture-taking with our guests of honour. And of course, there is the traditional cake-cutting ceremony and garter & bouquet game.  Everything went smoothly as planned.

We danced the tango!

Martinez- Cu Nuptial


Pre- Nuptial



8 pairs of principal sponsors

secondary sponsors

getting the garter!

cake ceremony